Hello, old and new readers! I’m writing this post to tell you that while finding the time to update The Junk Hyenas Diner has been difficult, I still haven’t given up. Completing enough chapters in order to produce the second book was one of my new year’s resolutions for 2019. Obviously that hasn’t gone so well so far, but there’s still almost half a year left to go. There’s still a chance, and I’m still going to try!

The featured image of Lucky about to engage a monstrous sunflower for shooting an energy beam at Bailey and Guff is a wallpaper you can download for FREE just by visiting my Patreon:

I work as an artist as my full-time job. Most of my time is spent working on my main webcomic, Slightly Damned. I also design merchandise and sell them at conventions across the US and sometimes even overseas. I am also quite active on Twitter.